Copyright © 2020 - 2025 CLO Virtual Fashion LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
Evolved from the word “clothing”, CLO Virtual Fashion is a company set out to virtualize every single garment on earth. The initial wordmark of CLO was created by combining the color blue (representative of technology) and a sewing stitch (representative of fashion) to create a new symbol of linking virtual garments with the real world.
In 2019, CLO Virtual Fashion was reborn with a new CLO wordmark to celebrate its 10th Anniversary. The renewed wordmark was changed to black to connote the genuine trust that has been established with our users over the past ten years and the stitching was modified to become more rhythmical, flexible, and elaborate.
Additionally, the new wordmark is an effort to exemplify CLO Virtual Fashion’s in-house culture and approach to guiding the future of the fashion industry by understanding and recognizing the foundations of fashion.
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